Create awesome docs without compromise

A ready-to-use Gatsby theme to build docs for all your projects. Smooth DOC makes documentation easy.

Use Gatsby

Gatsby is a powerful static website generator. It gives you amazing web perf.

Powered by MDX

MDX combines Markdown and JSX. You can use your own components in Markdown-style files.

Custom Theme & Dark Mode

Dark mode is natively supported and theme is fully customizable!

Ready-to-use components

A set of ready-to-use components to build great landing pages.

React Live Code Editor

Give life to your docs with Live Code Editing. Users can edit examples and see changes in real-time!

Enhanced SEO

Smooth DOC handles all SEO metadata, sitemap and social sharing for you.

Algolia DocSearch

A good search is a real asset for a documentation. Algolia DocSearch is built-in!

Carbon Ads

Monetizing your open source project is often hard. Carbon Ads support makes it easier!

Getting Started

The easiest way to start a new project is to use the Gatsby starter. It generates a ready-to-use project with all needed dependencies.

Create your website:

npx gatsby-cli new website

Change directories into site folder

cd website

Start development server

npm run develop

Gatsby will start a hot-reloading development environment accessible by default at http://localhost:8000.

Try editing the home page in pages/index.mdx. Saved changes will live reload in the browser.